November 17, 2021

West Mining Completes Phase I Exploration on the Southern Extension, Kena Gold-Copper Property, BC

Vancouver, B.C. – November 17, 2021– West Mining Corp. (“West” or the “Company”) (CSE: WEST) (OTC: WESMF) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Phase I mapping, rock sampling and prospecting program is now complete on its 100% owned Kena gold-copper Property in southeastern British Columbia.  The 9000 hectare Kena Project, consists of the Kena, Daylight and Athabasca Properties which trend along a 20 kilometre long favourable mineralized belt.

The Kena Property hosts several gold mineralized zones, most notably the Kena Gold and Gold Mountain Zones included in the recent resource estimate hosting 2.77 million ounces of gold inferred and 0.56 million ounces of gold indicated at a 0.25 g/t cutoff (see News Release dated May 11, 2021).  The South Gold Zone, positioned 2 kilometres further south along the same structure hosting the Kena Gold and Gold Mountain Zones, is considered a continuation of those mineralized gold zones.  Prior drilling from 2002 at the South Gold Zone returned 0.9 g/t gold over 90 metres core length (true width unknown) (BC ARIS Report #27240).  Adjacent to the South Gold Zone is the large Kena Copper Zone a key target of West’s current diamond drilling program (see News Release dated November 10, 2021).

Along with the current drilling, the recently completed field program on the Kena Property is designed to expand and extend the gold and copper mineralization seen in the main mineralized zones.  Field work including geological mapping, prospecting and collection of 163 rock grab and chip samples was completed, notably to the south and east.  The work was wide ranging and includes:

  • the “Southern Extension” comprised of geophysical and geochemical anomalies trending over 9 kilometres south from the Kena Copper Zone and hosting the historic Euphrates and Gold Cup mine areas;
  • the “Royal Trend”, located only 850 metres east of the Gold Mountain Zone resource area, is represented by a 1200 metre long geochemical and geophysical target running between the historic Dighem and Prince Zones;
  • expansion of the Kena Copper and South Gold Zones.

“These mapping and rock sampling locations lie outside of the area included in the recent gold resource estimation and outside of the current diamond drilling area.  The high quality and success of the field work our team has completed to date on the numerous historic workings and anomalies of the Kena Property, pays tribute to their diligent review of data the company owns,” states CEO of West Mining Corporation, Nicholas Houghton.  “The results we are seeing endorse the value the Kena project adds to the Company, and this field work will undoubtably lead to expanded exploration with targeted drill schedules for next season’s fully financed Phase II program.” 

Southern Extension

Several days were spent in the historic Euphrates mine area (BC Minfile# 082FSW186).  Past production is recorded as 307 tonnes grading 46.9 g/t gold, 249.3 g/t silver, 2.7% lead and 1.7% zinc.  This area,  located 2.5 kilometres south of the Kena Copper and South Gold Zones, was previously difficult to access but has now been criss-crossed with a number of recent logging roads and cut blocks.  The field crew located the historic workings, including two main adits following the L Tee and Minto veins trending southeast, one adit on the Lost Cabin vein to east, and 3 small adits and numerous pits along trend of the veins farther to the southeast.  Mineralization includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena hosted in 15 to 400 centimetre wide quartz veins within schistose mafic volcanic lapilli and crystal tuff to the east, augite porphyry and flows with flow breccias to the west.  The veins are located within altered shear zones up to 8 metres wide.  Field work focussed on sampling veins at old workings and following gold and copper soil geochemistry anomalies and airborne magnetic lows features (see News Release dated April 28, 2021).  New logging roads have exposed additional adits, veins and alteration zones which were also sampled. 

Five kilometres further south, the historic Gold Cup workings (BC Minfile# 082FSW079) produced 24 tonnes grading 51.8 g/t gold The workings include two adits stacked one above the other with a shaft connecting them from above.  Quartz veins in shistose mafic volcanics with strong mariposite, pyrite, malachite and tetrahedrite were sampled.  Veins are east-west striking, dipping steeply north and south.  At the north end of the area is an additional adit more than 50 metres deep that is a cross cut to a white quartz lens. 

The Elise Creek drainage near the southern end of the property is marked by gold soil anomalies and two subparallel magnetic low features.  Historic maps show an adit in this area.  The adit was not located, however quartz veins containing pyrite and trace arsenopyrite were sampled. 

Royal Trend

The area including the Royals, Prince, Dighem, and Bicycle showings is marked by 6 small adits and several pits and trenches.  Typically, mineralization sampled in this area consists of quartz veins with pyrite located along strongly foliated structures within mafic volcanics.  This area is significant as it lies within a strong copper-zinc-arsenic soil geochemical anomaly coincident with induced polarization chargeability and magnetic highs.

Kena Copper and South Gold Zone Expansion

In the Kena Copper zone, new logging roads and cut blocks have exposed large areas of previously covered outcrop.  Mapping and sampling was completed with the target of expanding the known copper porphyry zone to the south and east.  Pyrite, chalcopyrite and malachite mineralization was sampled in both foliated, altered volcanic rocks and cross-cutting quartz veins and veinlets.  There are 5 undocumented historic adits, two shafts and several pits in the Kena Copper area

The South Gold Zone, immediately adjacent to the Kena Copper Zone, has also been cut by these new logging roads exposing outcrop.  Quartz veins in strongly foliated diorite and andesitic basalt were sampled along the road cuts.  This strongly sheared zone is a southern extension of the Silver King Shear that hosts the historic Silver King mine (BC Minfile #082FSW176, past production 202,049 tonnes grading 68.4 g/t silver and 3.3% copper).  Noman creek to the northwest of the South Gold Zone is also cut by new logging roads.  Here thin veinlets in coarse grained basalt or gabbro were found to host traces of pyrite, galena, sphalerite, bornite and malachite.  

Rock grab and chip sample analytical results are pending and will be released upon receipt.

Linda Dandy, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.