November 2, 2021

West Mining Completes Initial Mapping And Sampling Program On Athabasca Property, BC

Vancouver, B.C. – November 2, 2021 – West Mining Corp. (“West” or the “Company”) (CSE: WEST) (OTC: WESMF) is pleased to announce that the initial mapping, sampling and prospecting program has now been completed on the company’s 100% owned Athabasca Property, part of West’s larger Kena Project.  The 9000 hectare combined Kena Project, consists of the Kena, Daylight and Athabasca Properties in southeastern British Columbia, which trend along a 20 kilometre long favourable mineralized belt.  

 The Athabasca Property, highlighted by the historic Athabasca Mine represents a northern extension of the Kena Property.  The current program includes 57 rock grab and chip samples collected along a 3.2 kilometre mineralized trend, from the Athabasca Mine in the west to the Princess Zone in the southeast.

 The historic Athabasca Mine (BC Minfile 082FSW168), operating intermittently between 1899 and 1943, graded 30 g/t gold and 10 g/t silver with minor copper, lead and zinc values from 20,219 tonnes milled.  The Athabasca vein was drifted on from four underground levels, accessed from 3 portals, with the two upper adits following ore hosted within a permissive contact zone between granodiorite of the Jurassic Nelson intrusives and volcanic rocks of the upper Elise formation.

 On surface, adjacent to the main Athabasca workings, quartz veins in outcrop are exposed in several locations, both along strike of the main vein and as related extensional-tension veins.  To the southeast are numerous semi-parallel quartz veins within the limited workings of the historic Good Enough showing.  The Good Enough has two pits and a single short adit hosting prospective mineralized quartz veining within a small development.  No historic reports are available but mapping indicates that a quanity of mineralized material has been  removed.

 The historic California Mine workings, although not on West’s claims, lie to the east along a parallel strike to the Athabasca and Good Enough vein structures.  The California is another past producer in this area, mined from four separate levels, hosting an economic shear vein system also along the contact between the Nelson intrusives and the Elise volcanics.  Historic production reports 1454 tonnes mined grading 48.3 g/t gold and 84.3 g/t silver (BC Minfile 082FSW169).  Several zones, both along strike and semi-parallel to the California mineralization trend onto West’s ground and were investigated.  This work included sampling of the lesser-known Union and the No. 2 Creek vein showings.  The two Union adits, having a surprising abundance of massive sulphide mineralization, were driven along a shallow vein parallel to the California structure.

 Near the southeast end of the Athabasca Property, the Princess workings consist of two 2-parallel 25 metre adits on the same level.  Earlier in the field season, rock samples were collected from the north adit and from mineralized rock in waste dump piles.  Massive pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite, pyrrhotite and malachite is visible within strongly silicified Elise volcanic rocks.  Three rock grab samples of the waste dump mineralization returned assays of 3.00 g/t Au and 1.8% Cu, 4.76 g/t Au and 2.1% Cu and 1.97 g/t Au and 1.6% Cu, respectively (see News Release dated September 10, 2021).

Results are pending for the remainder of the Athabasca Property rock sampling program and will be released upon receipt.