August 4, 2021

West Mining Continues To Intercept Quartz-Sulphide Veining And Associated Alterations In 5th And 6th Holes On The Starlight Trend Of The Daylight Property, BC

Vancouver, B.C. – August, 4th, 2021– West Mining Corp. (“West” or the “Company”) (CSE: WEST) (OTC: WESMF) has now completed the 5th and 6th diamond drill holes (holes DL21-13 and 14) of the initial drilling campaign on the Starlight Trend of their 100% owned Daylight Property.  This program is designed to trace the high-grade gold-silver zone exposed at surface and in historic small-scale underground workings over a strike length of >1000 metres.  Currently the Starlight veining and sulphide zone averages 25 metres true width with large discrete outlier quartz veins also exhibiting strong mineralization.

 The Daylight Property is located in a mining friendly jurisdiction and in an extremely favourable geological setting within the Golden Arc area of southeastern British Columbia.

 Drill holes DL21-13 and DL21-14 display abundant sulphides, particularly pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, along with occasional native gold grains.  Intensity of the mineralization appears to increase in these latest two holes, drilled to the southeast in respect to the initial four Starlight holes, all of which also intercepted the mineralized zone.  As these two holes are the farthest southeast on a northwest striking, steeply southwest dipping structure, the system is clearly open to the southeast where a strong magnetic low feature trends along strike for an additional 2 kilometres.  Holes DL21-09 and DL21-10 were located 130 metres to the northwest of the two current holes and holes DL21-11 and DL21-12 were an additional 80 metres further northwest.  The fact that the system is visually strengthening in the direction of the most recent drilling, indicates the strong possibility of strike extension.  Additional drilling farther southeast is planned for the next phase.

 “The continuity of mineralization in the drilling to date strongly indicates the presence of a large system exhibiting the potential to expand our current gold resource.  The recent NI43-101 resource estimate for Kena gave 561,900 oz Au indicated and 2,773,100 oz Au inferred in the Gold Mountain, Kena Gold and Daylight Zones. With no debt plus a strong treasury, our shareholders are in a great position to build value in short order on this undervalued asset as we excitingly await the imminent drill results for eight prior Great Western Zone drill holes, followed by the remaining results for the six Starlight holes.” Nicholas Houghton, President and CEO of West Mining Corp stated.

 Drill holes DL21-13 and 14 were both drilled to the southeast at -45o and -75o dips, and intercepted the 20 to 25 metre true width zone containing quartz veining, 5-7% pyrite and 1% chalcopyrite.  Above the veinlet zone, in the top 80 metres of the drill hole, are 10-15 metre wide moderately quartz-carbonate stockworked zones with larger quartz-carbonate veins ranging from 0.52 to 1.9 metres width containing pyrite, chalcopyrite and occasional native gold grains.

 The Starlight Trend hosts the historic, early 1900s, small scale, past producing Starlight, Victoria and Daylight Mines:

·      Starlight* (BC Minfile# 082FSW174) produced 21 tonnes at 27.8 g/t gold, 139.5 g/t silver and 0.4% copper;

·      Daylight* (BC Minfile# 082FSW175) produced 327 tonnes at 27 g/t gold, 15 g/t silver, plus minor lead and zinc;

·      Victoria* (BC Minfile# 082FSW173) produced 3255 tonnes at 1.16 g/t gold, 28.9 g/t silver and 2.6% copper.

 *Note:  These historic values cannot be relied upon, however the locations of the old mine workings have been verified by West Mining Corp. geologists and are used to assist with planning for the current exploration program. 

 Of a total 10,000 metres of planned diamond drilling, 2059 metres have now been completed on the Great Western and Starlight Zones.  The drill will next move to the Kena Property Copper Zone.   The Kena Copper Zone is a 3 kilometre long porphyry system with strong geochemical and geophysical signatures.  Historically there have been 9 wide spaced holes drilled that have intercepted copper mineralization including a 1990 hole that intercepted 0.3% copper equivalent* over 124.5 metres width and a 2010 hole that intercepted 0.5% copper equivalent* over 36 metres.  The Kena Copper Zone is an alkali porphyry system such as seen at Mount Polley, Red Chris and New Afton Mines.  This type of system is notable for having the possibility of significantly increased copper grades when drilled to depth. West intends on drilling a series of fences across the porphyry system in 3 locations and testing the core of the system with a couple of deep drill holes.

 *Copper equivalent based on: gold $57.23 US/gram, copper $4.40/lb, 1 tonne = 2205 grams, 1% = 22 lbs.

Quality Control/Quality Assurance

 One each of blank, field duplicate and standard is inserted into the sample stream for every 20 drill core samples. Core samples are split, bagged, zip-tied and trucked to Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories (“BV Labs”) in Burnaby, British Columbia for analyses. The field inserted standards (certified reference materials) and blanks were purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. of Langley, British Columbia. 

 Samples are analyzed at BV Labs facilities for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish and 48 additional elements were analyzed using a multi-acid digestion with an ICP-ES finish.  Samples with visible native gold mineralization are analyzed for gold by metallic screening plus a duplicate fire assay of the fine fraction.

 BV Labs are registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 17025:2017 accreditations for laboratory procedures.  In the laboratory, blanks (analytical and method), duplicates and standard reference materials are internally inserted in the sequences of client samples.  Using these inserted quality control samples each analytical batch and complete job is rigorously reviewed and validated by BV Labs prior to release.

 Linda Dandy, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.

About West Mining Corp.

 West Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration company acquiring and developing prospective advanced early-stage exploration projects.  It is fully focused on its 100% owned, 8000 hectare Kena Project located near Nelson, British Columbia.  The Kena Project comprises three adjoining Properties:  Kena, Daylight and Athabasca.  Two styles of gold, silver and copper mineralization occur on the property: 1 -  broad zones of porphyry style mineralization and 2 – high-grade shear/vein structures within the broader zones.  These mineralization styles are the key target for the 2021 drilling at Daylight and were intercepted in all drill holes to date.

 A recent NI43-101 resource estimate for Kena gave 561,900 oz Au indicated and 2,773,100 oz Au inferred in the Gold Mountain, Kena Gold and Daylight Zones (S. Bird, 2021; Technical Report on the Kena Project).

 The Kena Property also hosts the large Kena Copper Zone, along with with the historic Euphrates and Gold Cup gold-silver mines.  The Daylight property contains the historic past producing Daylight, Starlight, Victoria, Irene and Great Eastern gold mines.  Along trend to the north is the Athabasca Property, with the historic Athabasca Gold Mine.  The historic mines and known mineralized zones on these three properties are structurally controlled along a 20 kilometre strike as identified by strong geophysical signatures.

 For additional information, please refer to the Company’s public disclosure record  available on SEDAR at

 West Mining Corp.

Nicholas Houghton

President & CEO

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