July 19, 2021

West Mining Completes 8 Drill Holes At Daylight Property

Vancouver, B.C. – July 19, 2021– West Mining Corp. (“West” or the “Company”) (CSE: WEST) (OTC: WESMF) is pleased to provide an update on the 2021 exploration program underway on its 100% owned Daylight Property.

 Kena Gold-Copper Project – Daylight Property

 The over 8000 hectare Kena Project, consists of the Kena, Daylight and Athabasca Properties which trend along a 20 kilometre long favourable mineralized belt.  Gold, silver and copper mineralization relate to orogenic gold introduction and concentration within a several kilometre long foliated, altered, zoned, porphyry system.  A recent gold resource estimate (NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Kena Project, Bird, 2021) shows an indicated 561,000 ounces gold and an inferred 2.77 million ounces gold within an open ended portion of this robust system (see News Release dated May 11, 2021).  

 An initial eight diamond drill holes have now been completed on the Great Western Zone of the Daylight Property in southeastern British Columbia.  These drill holes have been positioned to test the down dip and strike extension of 2017 high grade gold drill intercepts (BC ARIS Report #37536), including:

 ·      DL17005* - 63.7 g/t gold over 0.9 metres, 20.9 g/t gold over 0.5 metres, 11.6 g/t gold over 0.79 metres and 10.3 g/t gold over 0.6 metres.  These gold intervals occur within a 36 metre wide zone which averages 1.06 g/t gold

·      DL17007* - 21.2 g/t gold over 0.48 metres, 7.36 g/t gold over 0.5 metres, 9.0 g/t gold over 0.5 metres.  These gold intervals occur within a 71.22 metre section averaging 1.09 g/t gold.

*Note:  True width of these historic drill intercepts is unknown.  The historic drill collar locations for DL17005 and DL17007 have been located and diamond drill core has been re-logged with confirmation samples collected and submitted to Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories by West Mining Corp. geologists as part of their due diligence program (results pending).

  The southwestern half of the Daylight Property is underlain by strongly sheared, undifferentiated mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks of the Jurassic Elise Formation.  While the northeast half is underlain by variably altered and fractured felsic to intermediate intrusives of the Jurassic Silver King Porphyry stock.  The property is immediately adjacent to the one kilometre wide intense Silver King Shear system, which is host to the famous Silver King silver-copper mine (BC Minfile #082FSW176). 

 Two styles of gold, silver and copper mineralization occur on the property: 1 -  broad zones of porphyry style mineralization and 2 – high-grade shear/vein structures within the broader zones.  These mineralization styles are the key target for the 2021 drilling at Daylight and were intercepted in all drill holes to date.

 “We are very excited with the favourable alterations and mineralization seen in these first drill holes on our Kena Project’s Daylight Property.  The Geological and Drilling team have done a great job identifying and expanding the trend, consequently based upon our initial feedback there is the strong possibility that the deposit has a robust continuation” stated Nicholas Houghton, President and CEO of West Mining Corp.

 Drill hole DL21-01 and DL21-02 drilled down dip from prior hole DL17005 intersected the top 49.95 and 60.22 metres, respectively, of strongly bleached and quartz-sericite-pyrite altered intrusive rock with increased quartz-carbonate-pyrite +/- chalcopyrite veinlets and disseminations.  The alteration, mineralization and veinlet style observed in the drill core represents the anticipated key target for the step-out drilling in the Great Western area.  

 Drill hole DL21-03, located 100 metres northwest of DL17005 drilled variably altered Silver King intrusive rock for its entire 112 metre length.  Sections of quartz-sericte alteration are interspersed with less altered and mineralized fresher intrusive rock. 

 Drill holes DL21-04 and 05 were drilled from a single drill pad stepped out 130 metres south of hole DL17005.  Holes DL21-04 and DL21-05 were drilled at -50 and -90 dips, with hole DL21-05 drilled to a depth of 322 metres.   Both drill holes collared in Elise Formation volcanic rocks exhibiting variable chlorite, sericite, epidote alteration and zones of strong quartz-carbonate-pyrite stringers.  At 59.1 metres hole DL21-04 intecepted the contact with the Silver King intrusive rocks which are strongly altered, silicified and bleached for 31 metres with quartz-carbonate-pyrite veinlets and disseminations.  Hole DL21-05 intersected the intrusive contact at 127.74 metres depth and continued in well altered and mineralized rock to the final hole depth of 322 metres.

 Additional work is required to determine the true width of these drill intercepts, but initial core logging suggests that hole DL21-01 and DL21-04 intercepts approximate true width. 

 The remaining three drill holes from the Great Western Zone are currently being logged and sampled.  Initial drill core results are anticipated in early August.

 The diamond drill has now been repositioned and is currently testing the Starlight Trend on the western side of the Daylight Property with a series of 8 additional drill holes from 4 pad locations at the northern end of a three kilometre long vein/shear structure.  This Trend hosts the historic, early 1900s, small scale, past producing Starlight, Victoria and Daylight Mines:

·      Starlight* (BC Minfile# 082FSW174) produced 21 tonnes at 27.8 g/t gold, 139.5 g/t silver and 0.4% copper;

·      Daylight* (BC Minfile# 082FSW175) produced 327 tonnes at 27 g/t gold, 15 g/t silver, plus minor lead and zinc;

·      Victoria* (BC Minfile# 082FSW173) produced 3255 tonnes at 1.16 g/t gold, 28.9 g/t silver and 2.6% copper.

 *Note:  These historic values cannot be relied upon, however the locations of the old mine workings have been verified by West Mining Corp. geologists and are used to assist with planning for the current exploration program. 

 Prior exploration work, in 2002 and 2017, included surface sampling and diamond drilling of 8 holes along the Starlight Trend (BC ARIS Reports #27240 and 37536).  This historic sampling returned 23 g/t gold over a 1.0 metre surface chip sample and 30.4 g/t gold over 0.3 metres in drill core.  The historic drill collar locations for the prior drill programs have been located and diamond drill core re-logged with confirmation samples collected and submitted to Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories by West Mining Corp. geologists as part of their due diligence program (results pending).

 Quality Control/Quality Assurrance

 One each of blank, field duplicate and standard is inserted into the sample stream for every 20 drill core samples.  Core samples are split, bagged, zip-tied and trucked to Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories (“BV Labs”) in Burnaby, British Columbia for analyses.  The field inserted standards (certified reference materials) and blanks were purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. of Langley, British Columbia. 

 Samples are analyzed at BV Labs facilities for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish and 48 additional elements were analyzed using a multi-acid digestion with an ICP-ES finish. 

 BV Labs are registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 17025:2017 accreditations for laboratory procedures.  In the laboratory, blanks (analytical and method), duplicates and standard reference materials are internally inserted in the sequences of client samples.  Using these inserted quality control samples each analytical batch and complete job is rigorously reviewed and validated by BV Labs prior to release.

 Linda Dandy, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.


About West Mining Corp.

West Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration company acquiring and developing prospective advanced early-stage exploration projects.  It is fully focused on its 100% owned, 8000 hectare Kena Project located near Nelson, British Columbia.  The Kena Project comprises three adjoining Properties:  Kena, Daylight and Athabasca.  A recent NI43-101 resource estimate for Kena gave 561,900 oz Au indicated and 2,773,100 oz Au inferred in the Gold Mountain, Kena Gold and Daylight Zones.  The Kena Property also hosts the large Kena Copper Zone, along with with the historic Euphrates and Gold Cup gold-silver mines.  The Daylight property contains the historic past producing Daylight, Starlight, Victoria, Irene and Great Eastern gold mines.  Along trend to the north is the Athabasca Property, with the historic Athabasca Gold Mine.  The historic mines and known mineralized zones on these three properties are structurally controlled along a 20 kilometre strike as identified by strong geophysical signatures.

 For additional information, please refer to the Company’s public disclosure record  available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

 West Mining Corp.

Nicholas Houghton

President & CEO



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